Bridging the Access Gap-Conference Proceedings Available

Many deaf students drop out of Further Education. There is anecdotal evidence to suggest why this may be the case, but little thorough research.

So, on 22 November, in collaboration with the North West Partnership, Signature held the Bridging the Access Gap conference. This was a one-day research event to explore the barriers faced by deaf students.

The conference, held in Manchester, was attended by over 150 people. Many took the time to give their opinions in the questionnaires, on the platform and to members of the Partnership.

There was also an excellent range of speakers with expertise in teacher training, equality, student support and research. We were also lucky enough to hear from two deaf students who gave their first-hand experience of the difficulties they have encountered in Further Education.

The information gathered at the conference will be used as the starting point for a long-term research project exploring the barriers faced by deaf students. Please click here to see the conference proceedings.

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