Centre update: Changes to Level 3 Certificate in BSL

The Level 3 Certificate in British Sign Language is approaching the end of its three year lifecycle. This gives us an ideal opportunity to review the qualification.

Having received feedback during this time, we have decided to amend the way the BSL321 assessment DVD is presented to candidates.

To maintain the integrity of our qualifications, and allow candidates to demonstrate their receptive skills at a Level 3 standard, the assessment criteria will remain the same. The presented BSL discussion is still 10 minutes long, has 12 questions and a 75% pass rate from a possible 32 marks.

The new assessment DVDs format is as follows:

·         The candidate will watch a 10 minute discussion;

·         They will then watch the first 5 minutes again. This will follow with 6 questions presented in BSL. Each question will be repeated twice;

·         The candidate will have 4 minutes between each question to write down their answer on the answer sheet.

·         The candidate will then watch the remaining 5 minutes and be presented with a further 6 questions as above.

The new format of the DVD will be available from 1 January 2017. Candidates taking an assessment from this date will view the DVD in the new format.  

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