Don’t be Silenced: #NoBSLNoVote

To Whom it May Concern,

Date: 04/06/2024

RE: Inclusion of Deaf People in the General Election in 2024 – Provision of British Sign Language Interpreting

We write on behalf of various Deaf people, and Deaf peoples’ organisations and charities who have contacted us to ask us to draw your attention to the importance of ensuring that your communications are accessible to them, in particular at this critical time of choice for the United Kingdom.

This is an extremely challenging time for the population with the cost of living and intense international conflicts, whilst there are a burst of policy announcements including new plans for National Service, Health and Benefits, Childcare and Education, Jobs and the Economy and Defence.

It is therefore crucial that the information which your parties provide in set piece speeches to the nation are accessible to Deaf people both in meeting equality obligations, but also in recognition of the fact that without such interpretation Deaf people whose first language is BSL will be unable to access this critical information.

Ideally this should be provided by an ‘On-Platform’ Interpreter because your messages can be followed regardless of which channel deaf people are streaming/watching or re-watching them on. However, as a minimum each party should at least provide an ‘In-Screen’ Interpreter on pre- recorded broadcasts and in relation to Manifesto pledges on your own web pages and social media channels.

At such a time of national importance it is important that everyone can make an informed decision at the General Election. Should your offices require assistance with sourcing BSL interpreters then any one of the signatories to this letter below will be pleased to assist.

Yours faithfully

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