The Learning and Skills Improvement Service (LSIS) developed a support project with funding from the Skills Funding Agency to improve the ability of post-16 learning and skills providers to recruit and retain d/Deaf learners while improving their attainment levels.
The aims of the project were to:
- motivate and support the learning and skills sector to develop their awareness of d/Deaf learners and their needs
- improve the sector’s capability and capacity to meet these needs and adjust the learning environment so that it becomes more inclusive
- ensure that, just like other learners, d/Deaf learners have an equal chance to enjoy and achieve their full potential in education
Development strands
After the first stakeholder meeting the following four strands were consequently identified and established in July 2010.
Strand 1 – Learner voice engagement: developing and delivering a learner voice conference>
Strand 2 – Creating a hub of resources on the Excellence Gateway, to include case studies on effective practice
Strand 3 – Pilot BSL teachers networks and mentorship: developing a hub of web-based resources for BSL teachers
Strand 4 – Guidance on the provision of BSL and learning support for
d/Deaf learners from experts across the sector
As a result of these projects, relationships have been developed which will offer new opportunities for collaboration and potential for further development of this work, at both a strategic and service delivery level.
There may be clear priorities within the recommended actions at the end of the report. These will best be established through engagement with the relevant stakeholders, during the development of a strategic and long-term approach to improving the sector’s performance for d/Deaf learners.