Sign post to learning. An equal chance for D/deaf learners.
LSIS has been working with learners from Doncaster College for the Deaf, Westgate College for Deaf People, Exeter Royal Academy for Deaf Education, City Lit and Stockport Colleges, also stakeholders including Skills Funding Agency and the Young People’s Learning Agency to organise a genuinely learner-led event highlighting what D/deaf learners want and need from the learning and skills sector in order for them to achieve alongside their hearing peers.
With the support of leading professionals and workshops the event will promote greater awareness and understanding, an opportunity for the exchange of information and effective practice and an ambition for improved learning and skills progression.
Who Should Attend?
Principals, senior managers from all parts of the learning and skills sector, learners, parents/carers, policy makers from key partner organisations in learning and skills sector and from the third sector organisations supporting and advocating for D/deaf people.
If you are a learner and would like to take up one of our 20 free places – please email your name and details to
- An opportunity to hear what D/deaf learners have to say about the importance of learning and skills to them and what you can do to support them to achieve their ambitions and potential
- A chance to develop your knowledge and understanding of the world of the D/deaf learner
- A learner-led event that will promote and facilitate discussion and the exchange of information
- An opportunity to view a range of resources that will support the development of improved services and effective practice
To read more about this conference, click here.