At Signature we’re always looking at the ways in which we operate, so that we’re able to stay ahead of the curve and ultimately provide the best service to our learners and centres. As time moves on, we have found that accessibility and technology now pretty much go hand in hand; we also strive to take on board the feedback we receive on a yearly basis and use this to shape any strategic decisions we may then make.
Since I joined Signature ten years ago, I have personally witnessed a phenomenal change in terms of shifting to a more modern approach. I’m proud to say that we’re able to continuously update our systems and processes, in order to provide the best overall experience for everyone.
From September, certain assessments will be available for both completion and marking online, through the Signature Portal. This is a move that has been a year in the making and one which offers vast opportunity for both us and our centres. We have operated using our current systems for many years, so we fully understand that some may be reluctant to change. We fully believe that it’s time to make these positive changes – but we will run both offline and online marking simultaneously for twelve months, to ease the transition.
The ability to distribute assessment materials virtually instead of through DVD’s will result in fewer breakages, fewer errors with content, and overall less to worry about in terms of postage and packaging. So very cost effective.
This is an exciting development, one that I am immensely proud of. This is a huge step in the right direction for Signature