New Qualification Specification’s now available

Last year we shared our plans to create a new suite of Sign Language qualifications. The development of these new qualifications has been an exciting time for all involved, and we are immensely proud of what we have created.

Be assured, we will give plenty of time for candidates on the current qualifications to complete their courses. And, for those wanting to change over to a new qualification, we will make sure the process is easy for all involved.

Level 3 and Level 4 Certificate in British Sign Language

For centres that have candidates currently enrolled onto the current Level 3 or Level 4 Certificate in British Sign Language, we will ensure that learners have the opportunity to complete their assessments, up until 2021. We will also allow these candidates to switch to the new qualification if they wish.

However, any new cohorts of candidates will be required to enrol on the new qualification.

You can view the specification for the new Level 3 qualification here

You can view the specification for the new Level 4 qualification here

Level 6 Diploma in Sign Language Interpreting and Translation

For centres that have candidates currently enrolled onto the current Level 6 Diploma in Sign Language Interpreting or the Level 6 Diploma in Sign Language Translation, we will ensure that learners have the opportunity to finish their qualification. We will work with all centres individually to set timescales for candidate registration and submission of portfolios.

However, new any cohorts of candidates will be required to enrol on the new qualification.

You can view the specification for the new qualification here




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