Power of Silence

Josh is sixteen, he is hard of hearing, and wears hearing aids having suffered from meningitis as a young child. As a result he attends a residential school for deaf children and young people. When his funding for the school is withdrawn, he is forced to return to mainstream education.

This powerful play follows Josh’s experiences in his new school and the relationships he builds. Regularly tormented and increasingly isolated at school and home, Josh gradually breaks down the barriers between himself and his hearing school mates through friendship.

Over the past two years FCYT have been steadily involved in deaf awareness in theatre learning British Sign Language (BSL). This culminated in the successful signed performance of Bugsy Malone. This play will also feature characters signing in BSL.

Wed 8th and Thurs 9th Sept
FTH 7:30pm
&pound6.00 / &pound4.00 concession

Falkirk Town Hall, West Bridge Street, Falkirk

For further information email fcyt@falkirk.gov.uk or call 01324 503795

To view the official flyer please click here.

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