Qualifications Update

Amendments have been made to two units, which Centres should be aware of.

Level 2 Certificate in Communication with Deaf People

There has been very little demand for unit K201 Understanding Communication with Deaf people. We understand the importance of this information being available and research suggests it would be more widely used if we publish it in alternative ways. We will withdraw this unit from 1 September 2010.

This means that Level 2 Certificate in Communication with Deaf People (CDA2) will no longer be included in our portfolio of accredited qualifications.

Communication with Deaf and Deafblind People (ACE)

Unit T201 Communication with Deaf and Deafblind People (ACE) has been renamed Communicating with Deafblind People. This unit is now internally assessed and no longer requires notice to book an assessment. The assessment will be externally moderated by qualified signature staff.

This unit is found in the following qualifications:

  • Level 2 Award in Communicating with Deafblind People (DBC2)
  • Level 2 Award in Communicating and Guiding with Deafblind People (DBG2)

Further information can be found in the qualification specification and regulations. Click here to view.

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