Research into the Next Generation Text (NGT) service

Facts International and Opinion Leader, independent research agencies, have been commissioned by Ofcom, the UK communications regulator, to carry out some research assessing users’ experience of text relay services.

Text relay enables people who are deaf, hard of hearing or speech impaired to make and receive telephone calls.

Since October 2014 this service can now be accessed through smartphones, tablets, laptops and PCs. Voice and text can also now be transmitted at the same time. This new service was named the Next Generation Text (NGT) service, and can be used via the ‘NGT Lite’ app. It is still possible to use Text relay on textphones, but it would not give access to the new features of NGT.

In order to understand users’ views of the new text relay following these changes, Ofcom want to talk to as many different users as they can. This includes users of text relay who are deaf, hard of hearing or speech impaired as well as users who do not have speech impairments or hearing loss.

They would like to hear from anyone who:

  • is 16 or over.
  • uses text relay at least once a month involving a relay assistant.
  • is willing to take part in research (either online or face to face with an interviewer) and diary task.

Participants do not need to be using the new NGT Service on smartphones etc. They are interested in talking to any users of the text relay service regardless of whether they are accessing it on smartphones, computers or textphones.

Communications support will be arranged, if participants would like this.

To say thank you for you taking part there will also be a £30 payment.

Anyone interested in taking part in the research, please click on n the link below.

If you have any questions about the research please email or call one of the research team at Facts International on 01233 648532

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