Signature Annual Awards Tickets Now on Sale

We are delighted to announce that tickets for the Signature Annual Awards ceremony are now available.

The Signature Annual Awards aim to recognise outstanding achievement by both individuals and organisations that have made, in their own way, a significant contribution towards a society in which deaf people have full access.

The glittering ceremony will take place on 12 November 2009 at The Private Rooms, Crowne Plaza Hotel, St James, London and promises to be one to remember. Join us to celebrate the exceptional commitment and achievements of all those short listed for a Signature Annual Award and find out who will be announced as this year’s winners for each award category:

  • Joseph Maitland Robinson Award for Outstanding Contribution
  • Learner of the Year
  • Teacher of the Year
  • Communication Professional of the Year
  • Organisational Achievement

To find out more about the Signature Annual Awards ceremony and to book your tickets click here or visit

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